Owning Our Legacy: Muslims & Mental Health

Debunking Myths

  • When struggling with mental illness, it can be lonely. Mental health stigma in Muslim communities can be a barrier to getting help. The Prophet (PBUH) taught us to seek Allah's protection from anything that harms our well-being, including our mental health! If you're struggling with mental health issues, get the help you need, when you need it. It's part of our faith. Learn more about mental health myths in the Muslim communities in the following article: 3 Muslim Mental health myths. Discover Muslim contributions to psychology and how our legacy can reduce mental health stigma

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Muslim Contributions to Psychology

The Prophet (PBUH) himself taught us to ask Allah’s protection from psychological symptoms and advised us to seek healing from anything that is harming our well-being, including our mental health. If you’re someone who’s struggling with your mental health, take the Prophet’s advice, peace be upon him, and seek out help when you need it. We at The FYI aim to create quality resource about the facets of life that impact our mental health. We focus on parenting, marriage, youth development all to better equip our communities to take care of their mental wellbeing. Donate today to help Muslims access tools to heal themselves and set them up for success.

Invest in Your Mental Health.

Increase Your Mental Wealth.

Our Resources


Youth Research

The lives of American Muslim youth are complex and impacted by numerous intersecting factors, such as race/ethnicity, family, peers, school, community, and the socio-cultural environment they are living within. Help us support them.


Marriage Research

Research demonstrates that relationship education and counseling can help couples improve their skills and decrease the risk factors for future marital distress and divorce. Help us fund our research to promote healthy marriages.


Parenting Research

The single most consistent predictor of healthy adolescent development is the quality of their relationships with their parents. How parents choose to parent affects their relationship with their teens and their effectiveness as a parent.


Mental Health Research

Mental health services are often under-utilised by American Muslims due to a number of factors including: lack of psycho-education and  stigma, lack of knowledge regarding the contributions of Muslims to the field of psychology, attributing mental health issues to supernatural influence (jinns, evil-eye), or the availability of culturally and/or religiously sensitive mental health providers. Help us increase awareness.

Learn More about the Family & Youth Institute

Your donation will help us educate and empower families and communities just like yours on critical issues facing American Muslim youth, parents and families.

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